Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Prime Minister: It's okay to kill Canadians

Can you believe it?

Stephen Harper is so gutless, he's utterly let Israel off the hook for the wanton state murder of a Canadian family, including four children, in Lebanon. Our prime minister has just stood up in front of the whole world and declared open season on Canadian citizens abroad. That's right. He has essentially told the world that any sovereign state can pursue any thoughtless, heinous, murderous military course it chooses in a third country and murder whatever Canadians happen to be there, the Canadian government will not lift a finger in protest. A shrug, a wink, and an "aw, shucks".

This man is a disgusting excuse for a national leader. Not only will he not defend innocent civilians in general, he will not even stand up for the rights, the very lives, of the citizens of his own country. My God, I have more respect for Brian Mulroney: I would not have believed it of him.

For God's sake, Harper, grow a pair! Just a small pair! Grow just ONE! Hell, strap on a fake pair, whatever it takes! Recall our ambassador from Tel Aviv. Get your face in front of the cameras and say "This reckless, inhumane disregard for civilian life must stop. Israel's right to defend itself does not extend to murdering innocent Lebanese civilians, much less foreign visitors from around the world. Until Israel rejoins the family of civilized nations, there can be no diplomatic or economic relations between it and Canada." Storm off in a hail of camera flashes. DO THE RIGHT THING.

Say what you want about George Bush. I have a hard time imagining him standing up in front of the world and saying, "You wanna kill families from Des Moines and Texarkana and Portland, you go right ahead!"

Do your goddamn duty, Harper, or get out of the way for someone willing to.


  1. I can't believe he said the death of Canadian citizens was a "measured response" by Israel. What a load of crap.

  2. Say what you want about George Bush. I have a hard time imagining him standing up in front of the world and saying, "You wanna kill families from Des Moines and Texarkana and Portland, you go right ahead!"

    "Bring It On!"?

  3. Well, that's more in the spirit of "I dare you to try; we got nukes" than "sure, go ahead, no problem"... :)
