People who wanted to use the TC-80N3 with their 'lesser' Canon DSLRs were relegated to risky 'surgery' on the intervalometer, cutting off the connector and splicing on a stereo plug to make it compatible with the Rebel, XT, XTi (and thus, useless if one were ever to upgrade to a D-series camera).
Well, folks, thanks to Gerald Wechselberger of Austria, that's no longer true. Mr. Wechselberger offers a cable specifically designed to adapt the TC-80N3 to our cameras, and for a very reasonable €25, which included delivery to me here in Canada. It also greatly extends the reach of the cable, which is less than a yard on the TC-80N3 itself.
My TC-80N3 intervalometer arrived last Thursday. Yesterday, the Rebel-series adapter arrived from Austria. I plugged the intervalometer into the cable and the cable into the XT, and the TC-80N3 took over the XT just fine. I've been running experiments to see how long the battery in the XT will last, taking an exposure every 30 seconds for hours on end. I'm really looking forward to using it this spring and summer for astrophotography and time-lapse movie-making. So thanks to Gerald Wechselberger! He's made it possible for the Rebel-series crowd!

So, how do you like the TC-80N3? I'm thinking of buying one - though admittedly I'm still in the beginning mulling over stage.
Hey, Kat. :) Oh, get it. I don't know which camera you're using, but even if you're using on the Rebels, as you can see, there's an inexpensive work-around. If you're using one of the higher-end guys, you've got no issues.
I've used it to do some nice time lapse work so far. Hoping to get some really nice stuff this summer... the passage of time over a river valley, the rotation of stars in the light preserves. You get a lot of control for what it costs. I'd really recommend it for any Canon DSLR user.
Thanks for the recommendation! I do want to get one, though I've been wondering if I'd really get enough use out of it. But really, if it help refuel my creativity (read: brings the fun back) in any way it'd definitely be worth the bucks.
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