Sunday, February 04, 2007

CF-104 Starfighter

CF-104 Starfighter
Originally uploaded by Lone Primate.
It probably goes without saying that this is not a real photograph; it's a composite of two. One, that of the background, was taken from the observation deck of the CN Tower, facing west over Lakeshore Blvd. and the Gardiner Expressway. The second, that of the CF-104, was taken at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mt. Hope on Hamilton Mountain... which, oddly enough, is about 45 miles off in the direction the background shot faces. The Starfighter is mounted on a pole outside the museum, pointing straight up. I knew it would make an excellent shot if I ever got around to compositing it. This afternoon, I finally did. :)

1 comment:

Polt said...

And it does look excellent. A bit frightening, to think a warplane would be that low to the ground over a major city, but excellent work nonetheless.