So it's come to this. I was treated to this slogan on my way in this morning. "Support Our Troops" is a little too subtle for some people. The new slogan, as loquacious as it is anti-democratic, is "If you can't stand behind our troops we'll gladly put you in front of them". It's a slogan Chile's General Pinochet could have been proud of. In the minds of some, a lack of patriotism -- as defined by them; by others, it would be not patriotism but bloodlust and bellicosity -- is punishable by death by firing squad.
The conservative element of this country, as always, at its finest.
I remember the first time I saw this bumpersticker in the US. I was nauseated. Quite literally. To see it in Canada... even worse.
We shouldn't call these people "conservative". What are they conserving? Militaristic, fascist, anti-democratic, but not conservative.
I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read, "I love my country but fear my government." I like to think it balanced out stickers like the one in your photo.
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